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If you are accused of a DWI or DUI, undergoing breath analyzer test/s is a mandatory and if its results show that you exceed the legal limit then your chance of defending the DWI is almost impossible.
10.04.2012 · From someone
Most states in the US consider the DWI or driving while intoxication as a criminal offence and any individual booked under these charges might lose his/her driving licence, driver’s rights, pay hefty penalty or serve a term in the prison.
10.12.2011 · From seosolution1
DUI or the driving under influence and DWI (driving while intoxicated) are serious offences depending on the jurisdiction or state you belong in the US, as DWI is considered to be much more serious than DUI in a few states and the quantum of punishment also varies.
10.12.2011 · From someone
A DUI attorney who knows in and out of the SFSTs can offer good DUI defence. There’re many loopholes in administration of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test, it is quite important to know the fundamental of the SFST’s.
10.12.2011 · From someone
Before knowing the difference between the DUI and DWI and offences one needs to know what does each of these acronyms means. DUI is nothing but driving under the influence and DWI stands for driving while intoxicated.
10.12.2011 · From someone
Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, as you may know or otherwise is totally voluntary so do not have any doubts if you are caught by a cop;
10.12.2011 · From someone